School Counseling
Hello TCE Families!
My name is Erin Phillips. I am so excited to be back at Timberlin Creek Elementary for my third year as the school counselor. I am here to support all our wonderful students. I provide focused classroom lessons on our Character Counts! Pillars. I provide support to students individually and in small groups for a range of needs including social skills, emotional regulation, and support during family or life changes. I believe our students are capable of being the best! I am looking forward to helping our students succeed.
My family moved to Florida in 2022. My husband is active-duty military and while we loved exploring different parts of the country, we are happy to be settled in St. Johns County. I am originally from Minnesota and love this Florida sun. I have an eighth-grade daughter and a fourth-grade son, two dogs, and one cat, who all keep me busy. We love the beach and spending time with family and friends. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a Master of Education in School Counseling and attended the University of MN for my undergraduate degree in Psychology. I have worked with students in some capacity for over twenty years. Education is a field I’ve always been passionate about 😊
If your family is active-duty military, please let me know. I’d love to support your student and family.
If your student or family has need of any resources, please reach out to me directly. I would be happy to support you however I can and make any community connections that might be helpful.
Please feel free to contact me at [email protected]
Mission Statement
The mission of the TCE School Counseling Program, is to increase academic achievement through student advocacy and to promote student success through a focus on academic achievement, social/personal, career, and multicultural/global citizenship development. The program’s ultimate goal is for all students to depart empowered with the knowledge and skills to be able to make self-directed, realistic and responsible decisions and to be successful contributors to society.