Over the past four years Timberlin Creek has taught its students the importance of recycling. From plastic bags to plastic bottles, our students, teachers and staff help our community by recycling through the program our PTO has established.

TCE participates in Terracycle’s recycling program by collecting Capri Sun, Honest Kids and Kool-Aid drink pouches. Besides keeping these items out of landfills, TCE earns money for its participation.Terr acycle makes them into pencil cases, bags, and other things you can see at You can send in used pouches from home with your children and we also collect them directly from the children at lunch in the cafeteria.

TCE also collects plastic overwrap and grocery store bags for the Trex program, which makes those materials into wood alternative products you can see at Because TCE has collected the most plastic bags in our district for the past FOUR years, we have won FOUR playground benches! You can send in plastic bags and overwrap with your children or drop them off in the specially-marked bin in the Front Office.
Our students, teachers and staff also recycle their plastic bottles and soda cans in bins in common areas throughout the school and in our cafeteria. Our cafeteria workers recycle used food cans too.
If you have any questions or suggestions for recycling, please contact PTO’s recycling coordinator, Karen Merrifield, at [email protected].