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Welcome to TCES Health Clinic! 


24-25 Clinic News:

Announcements: COMING SOON

Health Screenings 

Does your child need emergency medication at school? 

24/25 Medical Forms



My child feels sick, should he/she stay home?
Deciding when to keep your child home from school can be difficult. Please refer to our districts ILLNESS GUIDELINES.

Here are some guidelines when a child should stay home:

  • Fever greater than 100.4 degrees
  • Chills
  • General tiredness or not feeling good
  • Frequent congested (wet) or croup-sounding cough
  • Lots of nasal congestion with frequent blowing of nose
  • Vomiting (even just once)
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain that is accompanied by repeated vomiting or diarrhea. Note: if your child complains of stomach pain for several days, you should call your doctor for advice.
  • Symptoms of cold or flu

The two biggest factors when deciding whether a child can attend school is whether he or she is well enough to take part in activities and whether the child’s condition will require more attention from teachers or staff than is possible.

What if my child needs to take medication during school hours? A Medication Authorization Form 24-25 will need to be signed by the parent/guardian and completed by your doctor for ANY medication. Just a gentle reminder about medications in St. John’s County School District; . Over the counter medications (OTC) include: Chap-stick, Sunscreen, Cough drops, Antacids, medicated lotions, Tylenol, Benadryl, Motrin etc. These meds can be kept in the clinic with a completed Medication Administration Form.  Students are not allowed to keep any OTC or RX medications in their possession, except for inhalers, without authorization from their physician. Please remember that the school does not keep stock medications. Thanks in advance for taking a minute to review the Medication Policy

What if my child has a medical condition? We are able to care for students with most medical conditions. Please contact me so we can work out a plan together. We have forms available for the five most common conditions that need to be filled out by you and your child’s doctor. If you use one of these forms you do not need to complete a Medication Authorization Form as well. The Medical Management Plans include medication authorization. You can pick up a copy at school or print one off from the forms above.

Additional Info for Parents

**PLEASE NOTE: The Florida Health Department provides information and policy procedures for Health Services